Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 February 23 Second Shift Question No  27
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (a) is correct.

If the statement "Some pandas are herbivorous animals" is given as true, it means that there exists at least one panda that is herbivorous. However, it does not imply that all pandas are herbivorous. Therefore, the statement "No pandas are herbivorous animals" would be false because there are indeed some pandas that are herbivorous.

On the other hand, the statement "All pandas are herbivorous animals" cannot be immediately inferred to be false because it is still possible for all pandas to be herbivorous, even though the given statement only indicates the existence of some herbivorous pandas.

Similarly, the statements "Some pandas are not herbivorous animals" and "All herbivorous animals are pandas" cannot be immediately inferred to be false based on the given information.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (a) No pandas are herbivorous animals.

विकल्प (a) सही है।

कथन "कुछ पांडा शाकाहारी जानवर है" सत्य है। यह 'I' प्रकार का कथन है।

'I' और 'E' दोनों एक साथ न ही सही हो सकते है न ही गलत अर्थात यदि 'I' वाक्य सही है तो 'E' वाक्य गलत होगा।

इस प्रकार, कथन कोई भी पांडा शाकाहारी जानवर नहीं है ['E' प्रकार का कथन] गलत होगा।

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