Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 01 Second Shift Question No  18
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (b) is correct.

A hot medium is a term coined by Marshall McLuhan to describe a medium that provides high-definition information and requires low audience participation or effort to understand it fully. Hot media typically deliver a high amount of information through a single sensory channel, such as sight or sound. This characteristic of hot media allows for a greater level of understanding and a narrower range of interpretation compared to cool media.

Examples of hot media include print media, radio, and photographs. These media are characterized by a high degree of definition and detail and require less effort from the audience to understand them fully. In contrast, cool media, such as television or the internet, are characterized by low definition and require higher audience participation to understand the information presented.

विकल्प (b) सही है।

दिए गए विकल्पों में से, ‘हॉट मीडियम’ (ज्वलंत माध्यम) के निम्न अभिलक्षण (विशेषताएं) हैं:

C.निम्न आग्राहक (श्रोता-दर्शकगण) भागीदारी

D.यह केवल एक अनुभूति को आवृत्त करता है

E.यह सूचना की बड़ी मात्रा की आपूर्ति करता है

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