Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 05 Second Shift Question No  30
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (d) is correct

According to the classical Indian School of Logic (Nyaya), the step of inference that involves the synthesis of the major term (sadhya), middle term (hetu), and the minor term (paksa) is option (d): "Heraclitus is a man who is invariably a mortal."

In Nyaya logic, this step is known as "Vyapti" or "invariable concomitance." It establishes a universal relationship between the middle term and the major term, which allows us to infer the presence or absence of the major term in the minor term based on the presence or absence of the middle term.

In the given example, the major term is "mortal," the middle term is "man," and the minor term is "Heraclitus." By stating that Heraclitus is a man who is invariably a mortal, we synthesize all three terms and establish the relationship that if someone is a man, they are invariably a mortal.

विकल्प (d) सही है।

भारतीय शास्त्रीय (न्याय) तर्क मत के अनुसार अनुमान के निम्न चरण में मुख्या पद (साध्य), मध्य पद (हेतु) और लधुपद (पक्ष) का संश्लेषण सम्मिलित होता है। जिसके अनुसार 'हेराक्लिटस एक मनुष्य है जो कि निरपवाद रूप से नश्वर है।' सही उत्तर है।

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