Chapter - 6.1 Understanding the Structure of Arguments
2023 March 06 Second Shift Question No  27
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (a) is correct.

Equivalent statements must have the same truth value in all situations.

Statement A says that there are no tigers that are non-mammals.

Statement B says that there are no mammals that are tigers.

These two statements are logically equivalent because they both deny the possibility of a mammal being a tiger or a tiger being a non-mammal.

Statement C says that anything that is not a mammal is not a tiger.

Statement D says that all tigers are mammals.

Statement C and D are also logically equivalent because they both assert that every tiger is a mammal and anything that is not a mammal cannot be a tiger.

Therefore, the correct answer is (a) A, C and D only.

विकल्प (a) सही है।

A. कोई भी बाघ गैर-स्तनपायी नहीं है अर्थात सारे बाघ स्तनपायी हैं।

C. सभी गैर-स्तनपायी, गैर-बाघ हैं अर्थात जो स्तनपाई नहीं हैं वे बाघ भी नहीं हैं।

D. सभी बाघ स्तनपायी हैं अर्थात सारे बाघ स्तनपायी हैं।

उपरोक्त कथन A, C और D तार्किक रूप से समतुल्य हैं।

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