Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 11 Second Shift Question No  1
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (a) is correct

Friends Salary Incentive Travel Expenses Food Expenses Accomodation Shopping Expenses Savings
A 92000 (15/100)x92000=13800 26070 10960 (10/100)x105800=10580 (15/100)x105800=15870 (40/100)x105800=42320
B 96000 14400 15280 17000 12400 21560 (40/100)x110400=44160
C 84000 12600 (12/100)x96600=11592 (8/100)x96600=7728 27048 (12/100)x96600=11592 38640
D 88000 13200 19692 15120 (9/100)x101200=9108 16800 40480
E 80000 12000 (5/100)x92000=4600 30960 8400 11240 36800
F 76000 11400 8400 (8/100)x87400=6992 23328 13720 34960

For A :- Incentive = 15/100×92000 = 13800

Expensce on Travel = (Total income)-(Total Expenditure+Saving)


= 105800-79730 = 26070

For B :- Incentive = 15% of Salary

15% = 14400

100% = 96000 (Total Salary)

Expence on Shopping = (Total income)-(Total Expenditure+Saving)

= 110400- (15280+17000+12400+44160)

= 110400-88840 = 21560

Similanty for C, D, E and F.

Taking the data from above table-:

Total expenditure on travel by all six friends

= 26070+15280+11592+19692+4600+8400

= 85634

विकल्प (a) सही है

मित्र वेतन (Rs. में) प्रोत्साहन (Rs. में) यात्रा व्यय (Rs. में) भोजन व्यय (Rs. में) आवास व्यय (Rs. में) ख़रीददारी व्यय (Rs. में) बचत (Rs. में)
A 92000 (15/100)x92000=13800 26070 10960 (10/100)x105800=10580 (15/100)x105800=15870 (40/100)x105800=42320
B 96000 14400 15280 17000 12400 21560 (40/100)x110400=44160
C 84000 12600 (12/100)x96600=11592 (8/100)x96600=7728 27048 (12/100)x96600=11592 38640
D 88000 13200 19692 15120 (9/100)x101200=9108 16800 40480
E 80000 12000 (5/100)x92000=4600 30960 8400 11240 36800
F 76000 11400 8400 (8/100)x87400=6992 23328 13720 34960

A के लिए:- प्रोत्साहन = 15/100×92000 = 13800

यात्रा पर पूर्व व्यय = (कुल आय)-(कुल व्यय+Saving)

= (92000+13800)-(10960+10580+15870+42320)

= 105800-79730 = 26070

B के लिए:- प्रोत्साहन = वेतन का 15%

15% = 14400

100% = 96000 (कुल वेतन)

खरीददारी पर व्यय = (कुल आय)-(कुल व्यय+Saving)

= 110400 - (15280 + 17000 + 12400 + 44160)

= 110400 - 88840 = 21560

इसी तरह C, D, E और F के लिए उपरोक्त तालिका से डेटा लेते हुए-

सभी छह दोस्तों द्वारा यात्रा पर कुल खर्च

= 26070 + 15280 + 11592 + 19692 + 4600 + 8400

= 85634

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