Chapter - 6.1 Understanding the Structure of Arguments
2023 March 13 Second Shift Question No  26
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (c) is correct.

The logical fallacy committed in the given statement is begging the question, also known as circular reasoning.

The speaker is assuming the conclusion they are trying to prove, which is that serial killers ought not to be allowed to live. They justify this by saying that anyone who kills many people has lost their right to live. However, this assumption is part of the conclusion, so the argument is circular and does not actually provide any evidence for their position.

To avoid begging the question, the speaker would need to provide separate evidence or reasoning to support their claim that serial killers should not be allowed to live, rather than assuming it as a premise.


विकल्प (c) सही है।

दिए गए कथन में आत्माश्रय दोष है क्यूँकि निष्कर्ष आधार वाक्य में पहले से ही निहित है। जब किसी प्रमाण, विचार या दावे को सिद्ध करने के लिए वही परिस्थिति पूर्वावस्था मान ली जाती है, जिसे सिद्ध करने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है तो इसे आत्माश्रय दोष (Begging the question) तार्किक त्रुटि कहते हैं।

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