Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 14 First Shift Question No  29
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (b) is correct

If the statement "No lions are herbivorous animals" is given as true, then the statement "All lions are herbivorous animals" can be immediately inferred to be false.

When we say "No lions are herbivorous animals," it means that there are no lions that fall under the category of herbivorous animals. In other words, the set of lions and the set of herbivorous animals do not intersect.

If we then claim that "All lions are herbivorous animals," it would mean that every lion belongs to the category of herbivorous animals, which contradicts the given statement. If there are no lions in the category of herbivorous animals, it cannot be true that all lions are herbivorous.

विकल्प (b) सही है।

विरोध के परंपरागत वर्ग (classical square of opposition) के अनुसार, यदि E प्रोपोज़िशन सत्य है तो A और I प्रोपोज़िशन असत्य होंगे। अर्थात, यदि "कोई भी शेर शाकाहारी जानवर नहीं होता है" [E प्रोपोज़िशन] सत्य है तो "सभी शेर शाकाहारी जानवर हैं" [A प्रोपोज़िशन] और "कुछ शेर शाकाहारी जानवर हैं [I प्रोपोज़िशन] असत्य होंगे।

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