Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 14 Second Shift Question No  30
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (c) is correct

In the Classical Indian School of Logic, the type of inference in which the middle term is both positively and negatively related to the major term is called "Anvayavyatireki."

In this type of inference, the middle term is positively related to the major term in one premise and negatively related to the major term in another premise. This allows for the conclusion to be drawn based on the combined positive and negative relations of the middle term to the major term.

विकल्प (c) सही है।

भारतीय शास्त्रीय तर्क मत के अनुसार वह अनुमान अन्वयव्यक्तिरेकी है जिसमें मुख्य पद सकारात्मक एवं नकारात्मक दोनों प्रकार से मुख्य पद से सम्बंधित है।

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