Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 15 First Shift Question No  26
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (a) is correct

The fallacy committed in the given argument is "Begging the question" (also known as petitio principii). This fallacy occurs when the conclusion of an argument is assumed or presupposed in one of the premises. In other words, the argument assumes the truth of what it is trying to prove.

In the given argument, the statement "Mr. Kubra is a murderer" is the conclusion, but it is based on the premise "he wrongfully killed someone." The premise presupposes that Mr. Kubra is a murderer, which is the very claim being made in the conclusion. The argument is circular and does not provide any independent evidence or reasoning to support the claim that Mr. Kubra is a murderer.

विकल्प (a) सही है।

दिए गए कथन में आत्माश्रय दोष है क्यूँकि निष्कर्ष आधार वाक्य में पहले से ही निहित है। जब किसी प्रमाण, विचार या दावे को सिद्ध करने के लिए वही परिस्थिति पूर्वावस्था मान ली जाती है, जिसे सिद्ध करने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है तो इसे आत्माश्रय दोष (Begging the question) तार्किक त्रुटि कहते हैं।

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