Chapter - 0 Examination Wise
2023 March 15 First Shift Question No  29
Explanation व्याख्या

Option (c) is correct

The fallacy in the above argument is "Undistributed Middle". This is a type of formal fallacy where the middle term in a categorical syllogism is not distributed at least once in the premises. In this argument, the middle term is "against gun control". The premise states that supporters of ABC Political Party are against gun control and Republicans are also against gun control, but it does not distribute the middle term "against gun control" to either group. Therefore, the conclusion that some Republicans must be supporters of ABC Political Party does not logically follow.

विकल्प (c) सही है।

पारंपरिक विरोध वर्ग (classical square of opposition) के अनुसार, A और E प्रोपोज़िशन्स परस्पर विपरीत (contrary) होते हैं। अतएव, कथन "सभी मनुष्य नश्वर होते हैं।" तथा "कोई भी मनुष्य नश्वर नहीं होता है। " परस्पर विपरीत होंगे।

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