Practice Questions on Types of Research

अनुसंधान के प्रकार पर अभ्यास प्रश्न

Q1. Ethnographic research is primarily concerned with studying:
 a. Biological processes
 b. Social interactions and cultural practices
 c. Economic systems
 d. Political ideologies
Q2. Which of the following is a key characteristic of ethnographic research?
 a. Quantitative data analysis
 b. Quick and brief data collection
 c. Participant observation
 d. Laboratory experiments
Q3. The term "ethnography" is derived from which language?
 a. Latin
 b. Greek
 c. French
 d. Sanskrit
Q4. Which ethnographer is known for his immersive studies of the Trobriand Islanders?
 a. Margaret Mead
 b. Bronistaw Malinowski
 c. Clifford Geertz
 d. Franz Boas
Q5. Ethnographic research involves which of the following data collection methods?
 a. Surveys and questionnaires only
 b. Interviews and participant observation
 c. Experiments and laboratory observations
 d. Literature reviews and document analysis